SIAA Lab: le nuove idee degli imprenditori del sociale
7 Giugno 2019Punto Impresa Digitale: i primi risultati sul grado di maturità delle imprese
10 Giugno 2019Newsletter del progetto DesAlps – Design Thinking for a smart innovation ecosystem in Alpine Space.
In questo numero: le istruzioni per scaricare il toolkit del Design Thinking, guida e template sviluppati dai nostri esperti per aziende ed istituzioni che vogliono sperimentare la metodologia del Design Thinking e gli aggiornamenti sulle attività in atto in Germania e Slovenia.
DesAlps Design Thinking Toolkit available The DesAlps project has issued a free Design Thinking Teaser (available on and on DesAlps project website) to introduce the tools and methodology typical of Design Thinking to those who intend to apply this method in their company or institution but have never experienced this type of tools before. Guidelines and templates have been designed by Design Thinking experts in order to make the typical Design Thinking path clear to the ones who haven’t experienced it yet, following the Double Diamond scheme developed by the UK Design Council. The format can be easily used by everyone interested in experimenting this method. Nevertheless, for optimal management of the activity and more extensive results, we recommend the guidance of an expert facilitator on the methodology of Design Thinking who can guide you along the way. Check for an expert in your area in the new Regional DT LAB pages in our Design Thinking Community! |
DesAlps Design Thinking Journey In our DesAlps DT Lab in Germany we started a Design Thinking journey and therefore deeply immersed into the DT approach together with participants from different SMEs, start-ups and freelancer. A deeper understanding of the challenges was started and prototypes were generated for the solutions in co-creation in interdisciplinary teams. This allowed all participants to experience DT from beginning to end and thus finding answers to their challenges. Read more |
Design Thinking Workshops in Slovenia In May 2019, two Design Thinking workshops were held in Slovenia. Participants were introduced to the Design Thinking method and its benefits. They have tested the method on practical problems, which allowed them to get an insight into the effectiveness of this method. Regardless of the field in which the participants are engaged, they recognized the benefits and possibilities of using it in the future. |
Partners in the DesAlps project: