The seminar aims to introduce the innovative financing models available for the emerging sectors of the Blue Economy in the Adriatic area

Aiutiamo le imprese a percorrere la strada dell’innovazione e del trasferimento tecnologico, valutando insieme strategie ad hoc.
dettagli dell'iniziativa
The seminar it's organized wihitin the Interreg Italy-Croatia project ECCENTRIC and aims to introduce the innovative financing models available for the emerging sectors of the Blue Economy in the Adriatic area. Experts and innovators will share their knowledge on available funding opportunities for SMEs, startups, and local businesses. Additionally, the seminar will provide an in-depth analysis of the current investment landscape in Italy and Croatia, as well as the financial instruments offered by private investors and the public sector, outlining future growth prospects for the Blue Economy.
- Presentation of the ECCENTRIC project
- Overview of European Funding for the Blue Economy:
- What is the blue economy and its role in the European Green Deal
- Available funding instruments
- FEAMPA (European Fund for Maritime Affairs, Fisheries and Aquaculture)
- Horizon Europe: focus on research and innovation in the blue economy
- BlueInvest: platform for start-ups and SMEs
- Focus on Opportunities for Local Businesses and Territories
- The European Digital Innovation Hub “Neural”, Specific opportunities for SMEs, startups and local organizations.
- Overview of Investments in the Blue Economy Sector in Italy - Challenges and Opportunities
- Financial instruments of private investors, public sector and commercial banks in the blue economy in Croatia.
Enhancing circularity in the Adriatic area supporting innovation and growth of the blue-economy emerging sectorscontattaci vuoi maggiori informazioni?
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