Titolo progetto
PRESERVE – PREdictive diagnosis SERvices for automotiVE industry
Cofinanziato nell’ambito del Programma:
EU FORTISSIMO 2 project “Factories of the Future Resources, Technology, Infrastructure and Services for Simulation and Modelling 2” H2020-FoF-2015
Febbraio 2016 – Luglio 2017
CINECA consorzio interuniversitario (Lead partner) – Italia
t2i – trasferimento tecnologico e innovazione – Italia
TEXA spa – Italia
Many studies define and segment the U.S. and European automotive diagnostic scan tools market that is estimated to reach a value of € 1.5 billion in 2018, whereas the European market is expected to grow to € 1.6 billion in 2018. In recent times, Europe was the largest market for automotive diagnostic scan tools due to its large vehicle fleet equipped with complex electrical/electronic systems and the number of new vehicle models launched annually. This has increased the development of more advanced diagnostic scan tools that can diagnose faults in more than 40,000 vehicle models. On the other hand, now Europe’s total volume for the aftermarket car components is around € 115 billion while at the same time the individual markets are diverging strongly. Improved quality, decreasing mileage and increasing vehicle costs of ownership will lead to a drop in sales in spite of growing car park. We estimate therefore that (also due to economic crises) the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership, including after-sale, maintenance, repair elements etc.) will be more and more a driver also for vehicle manufacturers.
The PRESERVE experiment aims at combining the huge quantity of data available from electronic diagnostic system with the need of innovative service that could ‘genetically map’ the single vehicle (i.e. car, truck, bike, etc). The result will be a service that can predict failures, mechanic problems or damages at the components level and offer the manufacturer very detailed information to better re-design or upgrade spare-parts or vehicle. The experiment is intended to stress-test the algorithm and design a new cloud-based service that the European leader company on electronic diagnostic will design starting from two of their direct clients (car, tractor and bike manufacturers). The overall objective of PRESERVE is to fill the gap of the ‘diagnostic scheme’ reported here (i.e. link vehicle to manufacturer) where, so far, the manufacturers are not aware of the vehicle life (behavioural analysis) nor have detailed information on components lifetime or failure history that could lead to better manufacture spare-parts.
Andrea Ragazzon
Sito di progetto