Transfarm 4.0
Titolo progetto
Transfarm 4.0
Cofinanziato nell’ambito del programma:
Interreg Centrall Europe – call 3
Programme priority 1. Cooperating on innovation to make CENTRAL EUROPE more competitive
Programme priority specific objective: To improve sustainable linkages among actors of the innovation systems for strengthening regional innovation capacity in Central Europe. Transnational collaborative system to bring precision farming innovative applications closer to the market & address regional specializations in Central Europe.
01.04.2019 – 31.03.2022
CREA – Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria (Lead Partner)
t2i trasferimento tecnologico ed innovazione
FJ-BLT – HBLFA Francisco Josephinum – Austria
KIRG – Krajowy Instytut Rozwoju Gospodarki – POLAND
Univerza Mariboru UM – SLOVENIA
SzIU – Szent István Egyetem – UB HUNGARY
agroIT- atikai Klaszte – HUNGARY
LCM – Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH – AUSTRIA
Agriculture requires innovations to increase production yields in terms of quantity and quality, but also to increase efficiency in resource management. It is necessary to reduce environmental impact and production costs, in a context of climate change and market globalization. Precision farming is gaining a crucial role in helping farmers run their businesses in a way that is productive and sustainable. Although the Central European area is the core of EU manufacturing, precision farming has not been high in the agenda and focus of smart specialization in our regions.
The project Transfarm 4.0 aims at increasing the direct participation of farmers in the precision farming sector and boosting the competitiveness of the European precision farming advanced manufacturing supply chains.
Transfarm 4.0 will scout new demand-driven precision farming solutions to meet the needs of the farmers. Within the project, companies, clusters, research institutions and farmers will interact to bring new technological solutions to the market.
Area Innovazione: innovazione@t2i.it
Sito di progetto